Football Table FLAMINGO by Basaglia + Rota Nodari

Flamingo: the football table
by Basaglia + Rota Nodari
Flamingo is the new football table, mythical object of Italian bars from the 1950s until today. It is designed by Made Basaglia + Rota Nodari with clean lines and fine details.

Lo stesso materiale tornito è stato usato per le gambe, inclinate per dare maggiore stabilità di gioco, la cassa in legno laccato in tre colori: bianco, rosso e grigio. Manopole e calciatori, ridefiniti e semplificati nei dettagli, sono coordinati con la struttura.

The knobs and football players have been redefined and simplified in detail, the legs, in beech wood, add a touch of refinement, while maintaining the renowned stability of FAS Pendezza. The lacquered wooden case is available in three colours: white, red and grey. Play and irony are fundamental elements for our daily wellbeing: the new FAS Pendezza collection reinterprets the classic game, turning it into an object of design and furniture.
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